Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Lilith, who is she?

Lilith, who is She? Goddess? Demoness? Sacred prostitute? Succubus? First feminest? Protector of women and children? Killer of women and children? Lover of men? Destroyer of men? The answer is simply, yes. She is all these and more. Lilith has a rich history starting in Mesoptamia as hand of Innana and the dweller of the Huluppu tree. She's found in Babylon and later (probably most famously) in Jewish lore as Adam's first wife. As the first wife of Adam they are created together from the dust of the earth (Gen 1:27), because of this Lilith demands equality. When she is refused she speaks the true name of God and leaves the garden of Eden. After this is when Eve is created (the more well known part), later Lilith returns as a serpent to convince Eve to eat of the fruit of knowledge so that her eyes could be opened to the truth. Through the years Lilith has been called many things and more often than not put in a bad light, but I'm sure if you give her a chance to show her true colors you'll find just how wonderful she truly is.

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