Today I began thinking (again) about alters and rituals. You see I have never had an alter for Lilith, nor have I ever preformed some elaborate ritual in her honor. I have never done these because I live in a semi, an alter would get wrecked and there isn't a whole lot of room in here for really much of anything. Now Lilith understands and she knows that I would love nothing more than to give her all this and more, every time I bring it up to her and tell how sorry I am that I haven't she always comforts me and lets me know it's alright and to stop worrying about it. This doesn't mean that I do nothing, I have her picture as my background on my phone and a set of prayer beads I made myself that I use on a regular basis. I talk to her throughout my day just as I would anybody (except I speak with my heart, not my mouth). Anyways, as I sat and thought about the alter issue she spoke to me and this time she didn't simply tell me not to worry so much about it, instead she reminded me that the most important thing is the heart, and I have given her mine. This made me feel better because what's an alter or an elaborate ritual without heart? It's nothing. I think many of us get caught up in the "have to's", feeling like we "have to" do all these things to please our God or Goddess when really they want the same thing we do, a true, pure relationship with unconditional love. I have nothing against having alters or doing rituals, in fact I encourage it, but we should do these things not because we feel we must, but as way way to physically show our love and affection for our Gods and Goddesses. So sure I may not have anything tangible in which to honor Lilith, but I have given her my heart, my love.
"My child, you need not know much in order to please Me.
Only Love Me dearly.
Speak to me, as you would talk to your mother,
if she had taken you in her arms."
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